Close-up of Lapjaz (ecosexual ecoporn ecoslut) smelling a cherry blossom

Lapjaz: Ecosexual ecoporn ecoslut

Hi! I'm Lapjaz. Welcome to my personal website!

I'm a global nomad without a home base. For me, the meaning of life is to be one with nature. I'm ecosexual. I live in a tent in the global wilderness for 9 months a year and follow my heart wherever in the world it takes me. I travel with the seasons and date in the cities.

I'm financially (FIRE) and emotionally (solopoly) independent, but available. I make feminist porn just for fun and never for money. I'm not hiring, but can help fund our ecoslut adventures together.

Please get in touch with me on any of the following FREE websites:

Fetlife profile image of Lapjaz (ecosexual ecoporn ecoslut) doing a naked headstand on an ocean cliff

Pornhub profile image of Lapjaz (ecosexual ecoporn ecoslut) sitting naked on a rock in a river

Blursky profile image of Lapjaz (ecosexual ecoporn ecoslut) riding a bicycle in the forest naked